On 7 December special prosecutor Katica Janeva, who is tasked with investigating the wiretap scandal that triggered a political crisis in the country, started probing high ranking politicians, while a parliamentary commission also started procedures. Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, finance minister Zoran Stavreski and former interior minister Gordana Jankuloska, all allegedly involved in the wiretap scandal, will be amongst the first to give evidence before a special commission. Gruevski’s cousin and former secret police chief Saso Mijalkov, former transport minister Mile Janakieski and Prime Minister cabinet chef Martin Protugjer will also be questioned within the next two months. The commission is starting months late, after its formation was stalled several times due to disagreements between the ruling party and the opposition. With only four months left before planned snap elections in April, both the commission and the special prosecutor might fail to meet their respective deadlines.